Frequently asked questions
what is a health coach?
A health coach is someone who helps you to identify diet and lifestyle changes that you can make to reach your health goals, whatever they may be (lose weight, reduce stress, gain energy, etc.). Health coaches are both listeners and advice-givers; they guide clients through the world of contradictory nutrition information and provide recommendations based on your goals, habits and body.
what is your favorite meal to cook?
Lasagna with béchamel sauce. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
why wildflower?
I am the daughter of a florist and I grew up in a flower shop. Flowers are such a necessity for me. I love nothing more than heading outside with a pair of scissors to make a bouquet to bring indoors. My favorite wildflower is the cosmos. That is why I incorporated it into my logo. Cosmos symbolize harmony, sincerity, and loyalty. These are characteristics I bring from my heart into my Health Coaching practice to work with you.
P.S. I am also a pretty big fan of Tom Petty, his Wildflowers song is my favorite song
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“You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free”
— Tom Petty